05.24.13 PS: Group Show: TSG Board of Directors

Shawna Waterall, Kelley Consolvo, Emily LeMesurier, Andrew Reed Miller, Don Higgins, Jacqueline Collomb

Opening at Saint John Arts Centre, 20 Peel Plaza, May 24, 4-6 p.m.

Third Space Gallery presents a group exhibition of its board members’ work. Get to know your board a little bit better.

Upon invitation by the Saint John Arts Centre, board members are exhibiting a selection of works by six of the ten board members, including Shawna Waterall, Kelley Consolvo, Emily LeMesurier, Andrew Reed Miller, Don Higgins and Jacqueline Collomb. The works vary from ceramic to painting, drawing and audiovisual installation and are accompanied by a brief biography of the artist and their role at Third Space Gallery.

We hope you can attend the Opening Reception at the Saint John Arts Centre from 4-6p.m on Friday.

Third Space Gallery is Saint John’s only artist-run centre for contemporary art. Third Space is committed to representing local, regional and national professional contemporary artists by facilitating the education, understanding and appreciation of contemporary art at a local, national and international level.